Walleye Fishing
At The Manitou Weather Station
Trophy Sized Walleye in the Lower Manitou Lake
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Walleye Fishing Manitou Lake
Lower Manitou is one of the best fishing lakes in Northwestern Ontario, but not typically known for its walleye fishing. In the last few years however, the walleye population has grown and they have started to create quite a buzz on the lake. It is not a lake where you will catch huge numbers in a day, but you may catch a small amount of big, fat Walleye. Because if the small population, we do practice catch and release on Walleye to help the population continue to stay healthy and grow.
Certain times of year are better than others; June and September seem to be the best. Fish range in size up to trophy size 25-33”. If you want to catch walleye during your stay, ask one of our fishing guides to put you on some, or rent one of our fishing boats. You will be impressed with the size and quality of these golden beauties.
Walleye Fishing Tips
How to Catch Walleye:
We aren’t known as a walleye lake but certain parts of the lake do hold some true trophies. Guests are always amazed by the strength and size of the fish. You won’t catch numbers but you will catch trophies. We recommend catch and release Walleye fishing on Manitou.
Typically the best approach is Lindy rigs, drop shots or just good old jigs. Minnows, worms and leeches all work. Early in the season leeches and worms are good. Minnows get better later in the year.
May and June the fish are down spawning and heading out to deeper water. You can catch them on the points, reefs or weed-beds in 8-15 feet of water.
As the year progresses they start to move deeper. By the end of August they are in 20-25 feet.
See Jay Siemens’ great video which includes a lot of Walleye fishing and information on how to do it at the Manitou!

Guest Receives Ontario Angler Award for Walleye
Hello Manitou Weather Station
Recently, Diane my lucky fishing wife recieved a certificate from the Ontario Angler Awards run by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. It celebrates her Walleye catch and release . The fish was caught on July 6, 2011 .Measured 25.5 inches/ 62cm. about 6.5 pounds/2.5 kilos. This fish was caught within sight of Watson Falls, we were guided by Captain Kris Esselink.
Charles Weiss

- X Raps (white, black/silver, perch)
- Twister Tails (cotton candy, white, orange/black, silver/black)
- Spinner Baits
- Tube Jigs
- Mepps #3 -#5 (silver or gold blade)
- Jig and Leech – always work, great for young kids